Ways To Earn (Tasks, ClixGrid, Offers)

The focus of this page is to give a brief tutorials on how to earn from ClixSense.  Unlike any other paid-to-click sites, ClixSense take pride in spearheading some other streams of income aside from inviting none members.

This page will be discussing how to do the tasks.  Many members as well as nonmembers ask how you earn from tasks and how to go about it.  Others are at complete lost on how to do the tasks.

ClixSense tasks are easier than what others might think.  Before you do tasks, a complete instructions including examples are given.  This makes the members follow the procedures and instructions step by step.

An example tasks will be given shortly with the aid of images.  In this tasks, the members are assigned to "find PC names on product pages".

Here's the sample tasks:

1.  You can find the title of this tasks (Find PC names on Product Pages)

2. Further instructions are done given as well as an example.

3.  Here's more tips on the tasks at hand.

In this particular task, the do's and dont's are explain in great details.  This helps the members to finish the tasks easier and accurately.

Tutorials on playing the ClixGrid as well as doing offers will be up soon.  Bookmark this page for updates.

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